One day, as she toiled away for the big bad man, she met a spry fairy. "Haaaay, young lass. Why are you so blue?" he asked.
"I want to fill the land with magical apothecaries to heal the people of Ponyworld," she responded.
"Are you sure this is all you desire? Not riches? Not a castle? Not hundreds of ponies of your own? No magical leopluradon?" replied the fairy.
"As tempting as a trip to the magical candy mountain is, no spry fairy, all I want is bright, young magical healers to fill this land," said the girl.
"Who are you calling a fairy?! Oh, ha ha, me..." the fairy blushed. "Your wish is very generous, so for you, I have a gift." With that the fairy grabbed the servant girl's hand, opened it, and placed in it a seed. "Girl, take care of this seed. Plant it, nurture, and coax it to grow and you shall have your wish."
The servant girl thanked the fairy and whisked away to plant the seed. The days turned into weeks, and the weeks turned in to months, and the seed did grow. Soon the youth of the land of ponies murmed and buzzed about what the servant girl was growing.
One day, as the servant toiled for the big bad man, she looked out the window to see hundreds of people converging on Ponyworld. Men and women, young and old. Togehter they walked, and talked, and learned and laughed, eventually arriving at her door.
She hurried to the door, "What is this all about?"
A girl about her age responded, "I came to see what you were growing and along the way I met this healer. He was also on the way to see your magical plant and has taught me all he knows while we walked." Soon, others chimed in to tell her similar stories, and it was then she realized that her wish had come true. The elders had tought the bright young men and women and now the land was filled with healers. And the girl was happy.
But what happened to the seed she planted? She passed it to others who toiled for the big bad man, and many things grew, and all were happy.
-- This fairy tale has been in tribute of Ari's fairy tale and in a round about way has told you all about my day today. Today I hosted the first Career Chats with Alumni at UK and the event was awesome!!! The medical students (100+) chatted with 60 alumni to learn more about the various specialties. Everyone had an amazing time, and I couldn't feel prouder of an event. This job is amazing and I truly hope you all find the same kind of happiness in your work.