Monday, January 19, 2009
Gettin' Sleazy in the Big Easy

Today's blog originates with Ari's blog of three days ago when she posted pictures of her A-dorable new abode. Ari, your new home is so cute! What a perfect place for you and Bart to finally LIVE your lives TOGETHER. Novel concept, huh? I love, love, love the big windows and bet that on a bright, sunny New Orleans day the light that fills your house makes it even more cheerful. (Hard to do because you are already in it.) I can't wait to see it in person!
This brings me to an apology I must make: Ang, Katie, Sallie, I am so sorry but the April trip is actually the March trip, and Stephen and I are flying down, not driving. Do you all want to kill me now? Stephen and I kept talking about taking a trip during his spring break, because this is his last semester in school, thus his last chance for a bonafide spring break trip. Who could travel, though? With the cost of travel, hotel, and entertainment we were looking at at least $1,000. Then I realized my conference was the week after Stephen's spring break. Could this work? I checked flights and to my amazement they were affordable! ($211 after tax from Lexington to New Orleans, whoo-hoo!) Stephen will take a mini-trip from Wednesday night until Sunday, while I will stay through my conference, as work pays for my airfaire.
That said, we are super excited about visiting Ari and Bart and seeing the Big Easy for the first time. Stephen is especially excited about Bourbon Street and has challenged Ari and I to compete for beads. Hmmmmm, could there be an alterior motive here? Surely not.
I, on the other hand, am most excited to see my Ari-Bear. As we get older, our chances for one-on-one time with our best friends seem to get robbed by other commitments and relationships. We used to get to hang out after school but now we work until 5 or later. Our love relationships used to play second-fiddle to our friendships, and now we must put our energy into fortifying our marriages. In some cases, we have kids demanding our time and energy. (Why would you do that to yourself?! Darn, little thieves.) BUT not this time, not for me. That is because this trip affords me the uber-rare opportunity of genuine 1-on-1 time with Ari. After Stephen leaves on Sunday morning, I get to stay with Ari until my conference begins on Wednesday. I know Bart will be around, but there will be plenty of time when it is just Ari and me, as well. I am so excited, I feel like I am the one getting the Christmas present!
I hope you all have the chance to plan a trip to visit Ari soon. Do it! Like Katie said in her blog, It's Not a Bugg's Life Anymore, there is no time like the present. Perhaps one day we will all meet up in New Orleans together, but don't let it stop you from going it alone. Stop reading this blog and plan your trip - stat!
"About fifteen miles above New Orleans the river goes very slowly. It has broadened out there until it is almost a sea and the water is yellow with the mud of half a continent. Where the sun strikes it, it is golden."
-- Frank Yerby
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
On the subject of resolutions...

Bet you thought I gave up already. :)
Not a chance.
I have finally started to catch up on my blog reading. My extended absence was due to a holiday trip to wintry wonderful (and frigid!) Minnesota. I notice a theme here, New Year's resolution anyone?
Of particular interest to me is Elizabeth's resolution to quit Coke. Let me start by saying that I totally know you can do it Elizabeth!!! I have spent sometime researching the "addiction" of Coca-Cola and here's what I have found:
- Forget smoking, froget alcoholism, Coca-Colaism is one of America's leading addicitions. This horrible addiction fuels millions of hyperactive children, sleep deprived teenagers (I was with you on the 40oz. pops on the way to Lafayette, E.), mothers battered by their hyperactive children, and countless other seemingly normal Americans. (Come on, you know other countries do not have this problem like America does... most of those countries don't use ice and who wants a warm Coke?)
- Coca-Colaism has many negative side effects. According to the Coke addicted experts, this addiction may lead to rotten teeth, baid hair, trouble sleeping, shrinking wallet, and weight gain. These are terrible, but according to those in the recovery process it is not half as bad as the side effects you will experience when quitting Coke: nausea, headaches, stuffy nose and other cold-like symptoms, migraines, and Coke-related recovery rants on related blogs and websites.
- Coca-Colaism even affects celebrities. Don't believe me? Check this out: Britney Spears' Painful Coca-Cola Addiction. I never realized what poor Britney was dealing with. How insensitive of the collective masses to just assume her late night partying, attacks on paparazzi, and MTV meltdown were due to something as mundane as alcoholism or drug use. She was, in fact, facing a major addiction to Coca-Cola. Shame on all of us.
There is good news, Elizabeth. Through my reading, I have gained expert status on Coca-Colaism, and I feel confident in saying that you can conquer this addiction. I have learned, that you will likely experience withdrawal symptoms by quitting cold turkey but that these should clear after the first 5 days. I have also learned that most Coca-Coladdicts are repeat offenders, so try, try, and try again. And finally, drink lots of water. One fellow expert noted that it will hydrate you nearly as well as Coke.
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