Today's blog originates with Ari's blog of three days ago when she posted pictures of her A-dorable new abode. Ari, your new home is so cute! What a perfect place for you and Bart to finally LIVE your lives TOGETHER. Novel concept, huh? I love, love, love the big windows and bet that on a bright, sunny New Orleans day the light that fills your house makes it even more cheerful. (Hard to do because you are already in it.) I can't wait to see it in person!
This brings me to an apology I must make: Ang, Katie, Sallie, I am so sorry but the April trip is actually the March trip, and Stephen and I are flying down, not driving. Do you all want to kill me now? Stephen and I kept talking about taking a trip during his spring break, because this is his last semester in school, thus his last chance for a bonafide spring break trip. Who could travel, though? With the cost of travel, hotel, and entertainment we were looking at at least $1,000. Then I realized my conference was the week after Stephen's spring break. Could this work? I checked flights and to my amazement they were affordable! ($211 after tax from Lexington to New Orleans, whoo-hoo!) Stephen will take a mini-trip from Wednesday night until Sunday, while I will stay through my conference, as work pays for my airfaire.
That said, we are super excited about visiting Ari and Bart and seeing the Big Easy for the first time. Stephen is especially excited about Bourbon Street and has challenged Ari and I to compete for beads. Hmmmmm, could there be an alterior motive here? Surely not.
I, on the other hand, am most excited to see my Ari-Bear. As we get older, our chances for one-on-one time with our best friends seem to get robbed by other commitments and relationships. We used to get to hang out after school but now we work until 5 or later. Our love relationships used to play second-fiddle to our friendships, and now we must put our energy into fortifying our marriages. In some cases, we have kids demanding our time and energy. (Why would you do that to yourself?! Darn, little thieves.) BUT not this time, not for me. That is because this trip affords me the uber-rare opportunity of genuine 1-on-1 time with Ari. After Stephen leaves on Sunday morning, I get to stay with Ari until my conference begins on Wednesday. I know Bart will be around, but there will be plenty of time when it is just Ari and me, as well. I am so excited, I feel like I am the one getting the Christmas present!
I hope you all have the chance to plan a trip to visit Ari soon. Do it! Like Katie said in her blog, It's Not a Bugg's Life Anymore, there is no time like the present. Perhaps one day we will all meet up in New Orleans together, but don't let it stop you from going it alone. Stop reading this blog and plan your trip - stat!
"About fifteen miles above New Orleans the river goes very slowly. It has broadened out there until it is almost a sea and the water is yellow with the mud of half a continent. Where the sun strikes it, it is golden."
-- Frank Yerby
Well STANK!! Oh well, I guess I will have to come see you guys at a seperate date and time than Ari and Bart. Absolutely no biggie.You guys know that Nashvegas is a good resting point anytime you need it. And I hope you cuties get all the beads your heart desires! =^)
witypt- the audible noise when someone tries desperately to be witty, and fails.
I would say that I feel bad about this, but it only means more visitors. Can't wait for you and Stephen to get here.
stsen: n. the sound I make when the first word verification was much better than this one.
I think that Ang and I will just have to make a trip down to the Big Sleazy. So neh.
unwarb - to clairify
Wow Beth, can you unwarb that quote you placed at the bottom of your blog? It is beautiful, but what does it even mean???
Hah! I can hear Ari saying, "Stesen"! Anyway, hot damn, I guess we'll have to all plan a trip to Ireland, then.
PS- All you girls, get your asses on Facebook. It's the jam.
ingstes: stalk-like growths erupting from plantar warts.
(Yuck! Did that come out of my brain?)
First- Ewwww Sallie! That is not a morning image I need.Thanks.
Secondly- Heck yeah Katie! To the big sleazy we go. Let me know when you have some free time.
Lastly- A girl's trip to Ireland sounds unbelievable! I will start saving right now!! Can you image all us gorgeous women over there- The Irishmen won't know what hit them! Let the trip planning begin...
wityho- If you don't know what this means, I'm not telling you!
Loves it Angela!
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